Wirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien

Impact of renewable energy sources

Nettoeffekte in den Regionen nach Einkommensgruppen und Wirtschaftssektoren

Work package 4: Macroeconomic effects of RE expansion on economic growth and employment

Net effects in the regions by income group and economic sector

The ASTRA-D model has to be extended by including a regional economic model in order to assess the regional net effects by income group and economic sector. The population module and transport modules of the ASTRA-D model have already been structured by administrative district level. Regionalisation of the economic modules now follows which takes into account the respective sectoral structure and possibly also the household and income structure. This makes it possible to link the model to the bottom-up analysis of the distributional effects so that these can be integrated into the overall economic analysis. In contrast to previous models, this extension to the ASTRA-D model can illustrate the socio-economic and sectoral effects by regions. This makes it possible to assess the net employment on a regional level by aggregated economic sectors and the impact on employment in region X for income group Y.

Wirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien

Impact of renewable energy sources